Monday, September 14, 2015



If you watched King 2 Hearts before, you have come across this word. Sillok. Or, maybe said as 'Wangja Sillok". It is actually, a tradition started long before, since the Joseon King, which they have to write a 'daily diary' and it is kept as a record. Hence, Wangja Sillok means 'King's Annals'. If you watch Lee Jae Ha and gang before, Sillok is the recording, which he needs to record everynight, and the keyword to access it was "Chun-nya": means "Are you Happy".

Well, Sillok in the drama hold lots of plot. Albeit, it was one of key point for the whole drama together. As for now, I just use this word to justify my writing. An annal.

So, whats for today? Nothing much.

Kak Long is departing for Makkah.

Mama went for Hajj when I was two years old. Wea went there again when I was in standard six (or five? cant really remember). So I dont have memory of sending anyone in my family for Hajj, the sadness, the happiness, and everything, I dont know. Wea went there again on invitation, so I dont think he went there as long as other people.

We ( me and sisters in Selangor) went to Kak Long's house for a meet up. In Kelantan, people going to Haji is totally big thing. A whole village share the happiness of someone going to Hajj. Yes, a celebration is in order, you got the invitation from Allah for Hajj. I do remember Mama and Wea went to meet relatives who was going for Hajj, before and after. Like I said, it was something to celebrate.

Then I came across those words : muassasah, package, KT and Maktab and many more. Apparently I am that ignorant. Hahaha

I was thinking to talk about oil palm and so on. But I dont think I can do that tonight.

I dont have anything in my mind for now. Gonna transfer all pdf file from Toshiba, so I can sort everything tomorrow and start with my literature review for my thesis. I really want to end this study as soon as possible.

Thats all for now.

See ya tomorrow.


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