Monday, September 21, 2015

she WAS ippeuda

It’s not just a show about a girl who grew up unattractive and her friend who grew up handsome — it’s about the value judgements that society places on people, and how it’s wrong to assume that someone’s attractiveness gives or takes away their worth as a person. It’s a beautiful message.

Tengah berusaha nak siapkan slide, yang tak tahu nak isi apa, dan harus bersedia untuk kena drill pagi esok. Pasrah.

Esok, busy nya! hehehe.

Pagi meeting, lepas meeting kena shoot PJ, malam ada dinner date and nak ke KLIA. Yuhuuu yeay!. Legendary is flying to Queen's land. Bermula esok kena kumpul duit. Nak pergi Umrah dan pergi bumi Cambridge. 

Oh, quote atas tu tentang Drama Korea, seperti biasa. Awal awal nak follow drama ni, terus macam, blergh, promote orang lawa, kurus, attractive je yang purfectt, pfft. But, I like the idea for earliest two episodes. 

the value judgements that society places on people, and how it’s wrong to assume that someone’s attractiveness gives or takes away their worth as a person.
 Tak payah nak low esteem sangat kalau physical attributes jauh nak capai geng geng SNSD. You are who you are inside.


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