Some search for the one. Some are given the one. Some overlook the one. Who is the one? Perhaps it’s someone who understands the bits of you that make you whole- One; to have someone be ‘one’ with parts of you.
However, is it naive to hope someone will understand parts of you that even you don’t understand yourself? Is that human-capable? Maybe that is a love only One can provide. God. Perhaps two people could love the One and through that love, search within themselves a gift that overlooks the trivial questions of life. Cause only one answer matters, and that is: all love comes from the One, and some pieces of the One manifests itself in some.
And if we’re the lucky some, we find some-one. And that someone will be the sum of all the ones we past along the way in life who made it possible for two people to become their own, human-capable ‘one’. Knowing through it that it will never be perfect, for nothing in this world is. But to realize, all this while, it wasn’t about some-one, rather it was always about the-One.
And that journey to the One is perfectly flawed, and we come out of it, SOMEONE.
Taken from a.nasaruddin
"Kenapa orang semua nak orang kaya eh? I tak faham lah. Banyak benda akan fikir. Contoh, kalau dia pewaris mana mana konglomerat, company dia support riba tak, berapa banyak hutang dia pegang. Pelaburan dia part of gambling ke tak, zakat bayar tak, dasar kapitalis tak, dia dah tolong orang orang disekeliling tak...."
-hopeless romantic yang tengok drama melayu tetapi terlalu realistik
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