Monday, March 5, 2012

Saya Pekerja

Saya "mengemis" baucer dengan orang. I am not a student yet. Jadi, tak sempat dapat baucer. And I dont think there will be other voucher scheme this coming september. Except ada by-election tiba tiba (which I dont like). Jadi, siapa siapa nak belanja saya baucer yang diaorang tak nak guna, boleh boleh. Everything yang bermanfaat sahaja, dont worry. Wireless mouse, another cooler, A4 paper, maybe organizer?. Don't worry. I'll use it at nowhere like adorablemuslimah or tudungpeople or whatsoever okeh.

Contact me:

I can help you. You can help me. ^_____^

desperado much eyyyy.?

p/s: tak tahu lah kenapa, aci nak tipu tipu logbook, sure passkan dekat aku. payah tau nak tipu instrument logbook nih


wannyne said...

I got a mouse for you already

w 8 z said...

nok payung jugok so buleh? ^___^